Covid vaccine requirement

Level 3
Beverly, MA

Covid vaccine requirement

Hi, I am looking for other hosts who require covid-19 proof from guests in order to host them in their homes, who would like to work with me to ask Airbnb to add a vaccine tracking feature. For those of us who prefer to require vaccinations of all our guests, perhaps because we host inside our homes, it would be very helpful to have Airbnb add a feature for uploading and verifying vaccines. That way, instead of us having to pester individual guests for their records, we can choose to accept only guests who have already verified their vaccine records with Airbnb, just like we can with ID, photo, etc. If anyone else is with me on this, I would like to approach Airbnb to request/suggest/offer help getting this feature enabled. It sure would save me a lot of time and heartache and stress. 

For the record, I am not looking for a debate here on whether or not it's a good requirement. As hosts, we can require any rules within reason that we want in order to protect ourselves and our health inside our homes. All I am looking for is others who would like a streamlined Airbnb app/website feature to make this easier. Please respond if you're also interested in this.Thanks!

28 Replies 28

@Sarah977 @Brian2036  WoW really? Calling dying of people bad karma and then after that Strating that is silverlining ….. really?????? I don’t have any words any more.

Groetjes Katja

@Katja202  When people have influence over others, like a preacher, and spread lies and misinformation that leads others to refuse to be vaccinated and then the spreader of that misinformation becomes the victim of a disease he told everyone wasn't any big deal, or that Jesus would save them from, yes, that's what many people refer to as karma. 


And all he had to do was get a little shot in his arm and he would still be alive. I would pity these people if they weren't such a danger to others who are easily influenced. As it is, their behavior is criminal, putting countless others' lives at risk.


Which you don't seem to care about at all. 

@Sarah977  A lot of assumptions.


God Bless and take care 

Groetjes Katja

As well as conservative radio hosts who preached about not getting the vaccine. Then as they lay in hospital beds, they have a change of heart and are preaching pro vaccine. 

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



You always find the silver lining 😉

Level 3
Beverly, MA

Wow, thanks everyone for the support. I didn't see a lot of these messages come through until now. @Brian2036 I am not asking for a debate on what our guests think of vaccine requirements. Unless Airbnb decides to mandate vaccines globally, which seems unlikely, it's up to the hosts to make vaccine rules. All I want is an easier and safer way to check vaccine proofs for those of us who do want to require them. I just last week cancelled last minute on a guest who had not responded to my requests to email her vaccine card image, even though my rules clearly state that I require these be sent ahead of time. I have a no-contact listing in my guest room - It has a private entrance that I had built in order to keep the listing separate, but it's still inside my house and I feel safer with vaccinated guests. Since I the guest didn't send her vaccine card or attest to being vaccinated, I cancelled on her and then she proceeded to write me a bunch of angry messages and then attempt to write me a 1 star review. Every other review I have at this listing is 5 stars. Fortunately Airbnb removed it, since complaining about a rule you already agreed to is apparently not considered useful information to the Airbnb community. I am much more concerned about my own and my guest's health than whether they are upset that I enforced my own rules that they agreed to in advance. However, it's major stress and heartache to have to try to chase down the vax cards and then have to cancel on guests and anger them when they don't send them in. This could all be avoided by just adding an easy way to upload, and ideally verify, the vax proof.

I have already sent feedback messages to Airbnb at least three times requesting this capability, but I imagine nothing will change until a group of us advocate for it. Does anyone have an idea for a way we can organize to all sign a letter together or some other way we can advocate for this as a group?

@Jessica555  I don't know how many other places this has been instituted, but Canadian provinces are now creating proof of vaccine apps with QR codes that people have to show to enter many public venues. I'm no techie, but it seems like somehow guests being able to do this, rather than emailing a copy of their vaccine card might be way easier. 


I honestly don't see Airbnb agreeing to cooperate on this- they'll get too many irate messages from the anti-vaxers. They'll prefer that individual hosts take any negative fallout. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but I think we're going to be on our own on this one.

Mine is a no contact listing. I deliberately have a no contact listing set up for maximum safety, so anything requiring that I meet them in the listing, after they're already at my house, to check to see whether or not they are vaccinated, is more risk than I am willing to take on. Most of my guests have been fine with it. I don't see why ati-vaxxers would have much to object about since it would be an optional feature.  They can simply choose to book at listings that do not require vaccine proof. 

@Jessica555  What I meant was that it would make things easier if they could forward hosts a vaccine QR code by text message instead of having to copy a card and send it in an email, not that you would have to check it at the door. But as I said, I'm no techie, so don't know how this could work.

Yeah, that would be ideal. But I don't think many places in the US have vax proof cards with QR codes.

I’m a super host in home and am ready to open up again after 2 years. I wanted to know where and how everyone was posting  “Proof of Covid Vaccine“ ? No temp or sick coming into my home. My husband & I are 65 and love having people around.


Level 10
Warwick, Australia

We can be contact free and have offered quarantine to interstate visitors but all cancelled due to border closures.

In our 70s but fully vacinated with a booster due soon, we do not need the risk although we live in a state with only one active case in isolation due to strict borders.

A regular guest is anti-vaccine but she didn't book her stay for Sunday, arrived and as we had guests left to find somewhere else as she runs an alternative nursing treatment business in the city every 6 weeks. 

When our state opens when 90% vaccination is reached we may have unvaccinated travellers and locals wanting to stay so will need to decide if we accept them. However, a negative test would be better.

We already have an app or sign in tracing system in place.

Level 2
Whangārei, New Zealand

I fully support Hosts that we as venerable hosts have the right to tick an app that will only allow guests who have been double vaccinated to apply for accommodation. We all have differing points of view which is great but feel as hosts we are allowed to full protection  as much as possible 

Level 1
Sacramento, CA

Looking at this after having a guest coughing and sneezing for one night. This morning the trash can had a lot of yellow mucus spit in the bottom. My cleaning routine today is way different, everything got washed even pillow shams, pillows got a shot of Lysol spray and are drying in the sun. I turned to this site after searching the idea of asking for proof of vaccination. I appreciate the comments here and will change my requirements to include POV.. thanks.