Deleted post

Level 2
Las Vegas, NV

Deleted post

Deleted post

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



At this moment your listing shows a minimum stay of 2 nights.

Did you made the change by using "rules" or by the normal "minimal stay" option ?

Are there no conflicting parameters ? (as "rules" setting allways overtake normal settings)


Best regards,


Level 2
Las Vegas, NV


Thank you for your response. I actually tried to delete my post as I found the source of the issue but couldn't find how to delete it.

I use Beyond Pricing for my listing and they released a new feature that I didn't know about, where you can set your minimum stay on their website. That's why when I was changing it on Airbnb, it kept changing it back to what is set on Beyond Pricing.

Thank you though!