Does Airbnb collect and pay GST, PST and MRDT in BC Canada

Does Airbnb collect and pay GST, PST and MRDT in BC Canada



I'm new here on Airbnb and I am struggling to understand how tax is collected.  I am want to pay my own GST, PST and MRDT, (I believe MRDT is paid with PST?).  I have a GST account and have applied for a PST account.  I have given Airbnb my GST account info, I don't believe they require my PST as VRBO does.  I'm hearing conflicting information as to who and how the tax is collected.  Does Airbnb collect PST regardless to whether I have a PST account?  if not, how do I collect it.?  

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Amanda2748, thank you for sharing these questions in our community.


I am reaching out to @Kimberly1153, a Host in Vancouver, BC, to see if she has any suggestions regarding tax collections.





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