Errors and Omissions Insurance - TOT tax Liability

Level 2
San Juan Bautista, CA

Errors and Omissions Insurance - TOT tax Liability

So AirBnB did not locate my home correctly and did not pay the TOT tax as agreed with the County. So now I have a large tax liability. I have been asking about Errors and Omissions Insurance which I think AirBnB Legal would have put in place - I would like to file a claim. Anyone else has this issue? Probably more common as more municipalities will want AirBnB to pay transit tax directly. 

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Tod0


I'm sorry there was a mix-up in your address, which led to some tax errors afterwards!


Have you contacted the customer support team to see how they could assist you in resolving both of those issues? Please let us know how you get on. 🙂







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