Finding a nearby host to take over operations near UC Berkeley northside. MLK and Heart Ave.

Finding a nearby host to take over operations near UC Berkeley northside. MLK and Heart Ave.

Finding a nearby host to take over operations near UC Berkeley northside. MLK and Heart Ave. Share revienues. I have had an Airbnb operation since 2013. Want someone to act as host and share revenue.  **


**[Personal information removed in line with theCommunity Center Guidelines]

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Helena-West Helena, AR

@Bernt15 Are you wanting to sell your property ? or looking for a co-host to work with you ? 🙂

If you're selling, the next owner would then be the Host for that place and they would need to start building up reviews under their own name (hosting isn't transferable).


@Cheri354 I just need someone to share the duties. Not to sell property 

Level 10
Helena-West Helena, AR

@Bernt15 Okay~ sounds like you're looking for a co-host to share responsibilities 🙂 You might check the community search box above for "finding a co-host". There are threads on the topic.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Bernt15 😊

@Cheri354 is correct! 


You can take a look at this link from our resource center 👉 How to find and become an experienced Co-Host on Airbnb? 


Let me know if this helps!

Warm regards🌻,


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