We own a house next to and air b and b and they have outside...
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We own a house next to and air b and b and they have outside seating area gazebo right on property line. Loud noise at midnig...
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We have a place in New Orleans that is not open for ABB. During a recent visit, a gentleman who works in a local shop there regaled us with a story about booking an ABB. He has been in some trouble legally and did not want to reveal his identity lest someone google (this was all unsolicited commentary but he really went into detail.) Yet he and his romantic partner wanted a weekend away and he wanted to surprise her.
He signed up with zero info. He used his phone number which he described as a "flip burner phone at that time." No contract. No verification.
He used an Airbnb gift card to pay for his stay. He found a host that did not require ID-- he said they are surprisingly plentiful...and created a user profile. Had a successful stay and got a good review from that host.
NOW he is able to use instant book for those of us who have "only recommended guests" checked. He swears that he has never once had to upload an ID but his profile says "ID verified." He believes its on the basis of the positive history he has. His phone number also says verified-- he showed me his profile-- but that phone has long since been discarded. He has ALSO booked for his mom as a third party who apparently has a permit to carry a firearm so she brings it with her everywhere.....He definitely knew the ABB rules and how to get around them. In his words "they have the hosts over a barrel. You have to take me. I am polite and I know how the game works."
I don't think this dude is out to trash anyone's place but if he did it would be near impossible to track him down. And the crazy thing is that hosts would have to accept his booking on the basis of good reviews. We have less than zero protection on this platform. Its really shameful.
I am sorry if you are stuck looking at giant photos, my reply in text is gone
and there is ZERO delete options for the entire post I wrote
I have to agree. I've been complaining to Airbnb about the lack of vetting of guests (and hosts). I don't want to have to meet every guest and review ID's but should I start doing that? I have four guests now whose company sent me copies of their passports at the time of booking (after Airbnb stopped blocking details in the communication). I don't worry about those type of guests. I worry about all the fakes on the platform.
Now I have to worry about fake names and burner phones?
This is getting frightening how lax things are getting.
For sure I'll click must have uploaded ID and I'll require the ID presented must match the profile photo at the time of booking.
BTW- thanks. I went directly to my listing and the link you provided is impossible to find easily. I used your link and made sure it was checked to required an uploaded ID. Sigh.
Does someone has a bad experience about no pet allowed policy?
Im been arguing with Airbnb about no pets allowed policy. Its insane how that part works. So it gives you the chance to put no pets allowed, but then animal service are not considered pets. So anyone can bring a dog or other animal to your place, and if they know how to work the system, they just has to mention the animal is a service animal and Airbnb doesnt check if the guest is lying or not. Per their policy guest doesnt have to prove it.
If someone claims they have a service animal, you may remind them of these expectations:
I had a Request to Book from a person with Airbnb s name of S ,he had reviews which were good and I accepted him. Once booked I asked his name as just showing as S R, he did tell me his full name and said he liked to be known as SR ,just found it strange that Airbnb only used these initials and not his full name ?
@Sandra957 I'm not even sure that is legal. Hotels here and abroad require full names and ID's. Not sure how Airbnb thinks that's even remotely reasonable.
I propose all hosts change their names to ABC and use the same profile picture in protest then contact the media - lol! Now guests won't have any idea who they are renting from.
I often wonder if drastic measures are required to get corporate's attention about their lax membership and referral requirements.
@Sandra957 @Christine615 A guest can call themselves whatever they like on their public profile. Airbnb will tell you that’s just fine and won’t share the name they have on file due to ‘privacy reasons.’
Ridiculous. Glad to be done with this hoohah very soon.
I tell guests they can NOT book with me unless I have a full name of each adult staying on the premises. My property, my rules.
I remember when Airbnb had decent (regularly employed) customer service reps you could call, call back, and email directly. Privacy my (rear end).
This is a safety issue for small Airbnb owners who are renting their personal spaces. Strangers can't even check into a hotel without a name and ID. And they certainly can't book Expedia, etc. without a real name.
How long before Netflix turns Airbnb into a documentary like "We Crashed?"
I had a guy similar to this description stay at one of my ABB, but the guy totally Trashed my house. How can they get around being verified but be shown as verified? Why is this not more closely monitored? Hosts literally do not have a leg to stand on against people like this that are cheating the system 😞