From Fully Booked to barely...

Level 1
Garland, TX

From Fully Booked to barely...

I am a new Airbnb host of four months (in Dallas, TX). Initially, my property was booked nearly every day, with very few days I had to block. However, bookings have recently come to a complete halt, except for one in early August. Has there been a change in the algorithm? Is there a rationale for this decrease? Considering it's the summer months, I expected more, or at least steady, bookings. Please advise.😬😬

1 Reply 1

Hi Pam, wonderful job you have done being a guest favourite! Shame some guests don't know the difference between 'Rooms' booking and entire apartment to themselves.

I'm not sure it's anything you have done different, have you checked competitors and their prices? That's what usually happens to me when things drop off....Or maybe hotels/motels are dropping prices?

You could try dropping your price for a week to test if it changes takeup? I don't use smart/dynamic or other external pricing tools, but maybe it's something to think about.

Kind regs MK