An AirBnB agent I spoke to about refunding someone is told I need to refund money from where the money is in escrow outside of Air. The agent doesn't know that refunds don't come from where I escrow my rental funds prior to moving them to my bank account. I advise them prior to the conversation that it needs to come from that "pot" of funds and how do I transfer it to them from those funds, since that is where Air makes payments to me. They then direct me to the Internet app and walk me through it. I then get an email that the funds will be taken from future earnings, since its a lot of money this is a lot of future earnings, messes my taxes up, leaves money in the escrow and FORCES me to do more business with them. How do they get away with this? I'm forced to owe them money, they won't allow me to pay them back, its as thou I'm a chattel slave. How does this get fixed? After spending hours on the phone no one wants to own the fact their agent didn't know, but apparently I was suppose to. Really? Why isn't Air held to banking and lending regs, since this is what they are effectively doing?