Garage conversion airbnb while having mortgage with natwest

Level 1
Blackridge, United Kingdom

Garage conversion airbnb while having mortgage with natwest

Hi just wonder if anyone has been in this position

I have a house mortgaged by natwest

The house has an atatched garage which we dont use

Me and wife considering doing a conversion and letting it on airbnb

Anyone dine this?any info or pointers regarding if this allowed



5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

1. You will need planning permission for commercial use in order to do this and make sure you comply with building regs . Speak to the planning team at your local council


2. do some market research to look at demand  and pricing in your area for similar places


3. Run a profit and loss budget - how long will it take you to recoup your investment bearing in mind your ongoing operational costs


4. read up on how Airbnb works useful tutorials and guides on this community and FAQs on the Airbnb Help Centre 

Level 1
Blackridge, United Kingdom

Thanks helen

What bout mortgage with natwest?

Conversion be down by garage conversion company so be up to spec regs etc



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@George1677 If you put an access door from the garage to the house then I think you would qualify for the governments rent-a-room scheme. You need to check but I think this would make it easier for your mortgage provider to agree to your plans.

Just spoke to natwest

There residential mortage doesnt allow airbnb lets

Im due to remortage next year so maybe look at a lender who allows short letting of my garage



Level 1
Liverpool, United Kingdom

May I ask you what was the outcome? Did you find a lender which allow this?