I am a host and have had several cancellations this week that I wanted to provide a full refund for even though I have a moderate cancellation policy and am not required to refund. However, once the guests cancelled, Airbnb is showing that a full refund was issued to the guests. I called Airbnb to see why that was the case, and the rep I spoke to didn't believe that I could view the guests' refund amount. In the guest's payout details, I was showing a payment of $72.07 and a refund of $72, and the Airbnb rep was showing a $23 refund. Once I took a screenshot of what I was looking at and sent it to her, she finally acknowledged the error and said that she would have to get back to me after investigating some more. Now 10 hours later, she wrote me and told me that I was to ignore that figure in the break-down of my guest's payment refund ... always. That doesn't seem like a real solution. This is the second time that Airbnb has reported an incorrect refund this week so how can I know how much to refund a guest unless I have accurate figures? I am incredibly frustrated, somebody please help me keep Airbnb accountable to reporting accurate financial statements to their hosts!