Host Invoices

Level 2
Kitzbuhel, Austria

Host Invoices

My Host Invoices all have the wrong address on them.  4 days of messages with Airbnb has not solved anything.  Has anyone else had this problem.  The address on our Host Invoice has nothing to do with our listings.  Our Tax information is correct and the listing addresses are also correct.  Our Host Invoice has a totally different address on it.

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Michael8329, Have you heard back from the Customer Support team or managed to resolve the address issue?




Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hi @Bhumika, no.  No-one has contacted me or solved the issue. My host invoices are still incorrect. Very frustrating !!

Level 2
Kitzbuhel, Austria

Should be ** 35a.  We have nothing at 37a …

**[Personal details removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]