Hi Bhumika, So far no luck. The new agent I am dealing with is running into closed doors. She has used Lloyds of London, among other companies. They have recently changed and have no policy to offer a short term renter at this time,
I got an email from her on Thursday, excited that she had found me a company. It turns out that unlike other companies, this particular company does offer policies for short term rentals less than a month long. But in this case not less than a week long. I have a number of 2,3,and 4 night rentals. I have another agency that I will contact tomorrow.
My record is clean. I have almost never used my home insurance policy. And regarding short-term rentals, I have never made a claim. AirBnB did help me on one occasion.
I am mostly concerned about liability. What most puzzles me is that I am not hearing this issue being expressed by anyone else.
There has to be a positive outcome here. I'll keep you posted. Tom