I am looking to Co-Host other properties and also one of my own, how does this work?

Level 2
Exmouth, Australia

I am looking to Co-Host other properties and also one of my own, how does this work?

I have Co-Hosted my partners property for 2 years and now am looking to host other properties in my area under my Co-host name...I am wondering if this is possible and I'm guessing I will just have separate listings and have to enter in and out of each unless I organise a channel manager? How does payment work, if I set up the Co-host automatic payment of 20% from each booking is that on the total cost including cleaning fee or just booking amount alone?

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

On Airbnb you can only have one profile. Once a host agrees to use your services you can get them to set you up as a cohost on their listing. The listing will then show under your profile.


have a look on Airbnb Help to help you understand how cohosting works @Sarah6318