I'm not receiving reservations

Level 1
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

I'm not receiving reservations

I haven't received any reservations for 8 months and I think something on the page is wrong.


The prices are at the minimum, that is to say as low as possible and even then I don't receive reservations.

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Sometimes decreasing your base price has the opposite effect of what you were trying to achieve.  Your stars are a little low but that can happen for any new listing .  There were some problems you didn't expect and you got dinged.

You had a few growing pains but obviously handled very well Because a GueSt who spent 1 night in the car still had nice things to say.  Not angry,

Yout rating puts you further back in the ABB search and maybe potential guests aren't clicking because they see the 4.7 and the base rate cut so much.  Implies that you are overpriced and that's why the lower stars.


Put your base price at n ormal rate

Set discounts for maybe 3 5 or 7 day reservations. That is a sale not my price was too high.

Ten on Instabook ABB will rank you a little higher.  You can turn off after a few reservations.  I would set a 2 or 3 day minimum because scammers will be watching because your low ranking,

Change your cover photo just to another so people see a different photo.

Look at Descriptions by your competition usually ba lot more than  1 paragraph

The other listing for a room I think you need to review>It is highlighted as a shared hotel room.