Inappropriate guests behavior

Level 1
Solin, Croatia

Inappropriate guests behavior

Let me tell you a little story about inappropriate guest behavior and @Airbnb supporting it. Can't wait for your thoughts on this one.
We rented our new home/4 bedroom villa. Guests booked for 4 nights and in the reservation it was a booking for 6 persons.
On the second night, there was a conflict between our guests towards neighbor guests. My guests were partying loud, and others complained. Someone from the other side threw something in our garden and probably hit our guest in the head ( no one was injured or had a scratch), my guests started throwing stones and glasses at the house next door with little kids inside (clearly under the large substance of alcohol and substances), police arrived and gave them a warning, we received neighbor messages from their guests complaining, calling the police and being scared. In the morning we received the messages and decided to look to our cameras to see what happened ( we have cameras covering all entrances in the villa, and that note is marked on our profile). We noticed that it was true what the neighbor said plus several more strict house rules breaking:
-guests had +1 guest without providing us with a document
-they had a dog in our home, and we have strict rules no pets are allowed (this is not a help dog or in service of a person in need)
-they partied hard
-they used our outside kitchen as a toilet for several times urinating and rubbing their genitalias on windows.
-they were violent towards the other side home throwing stones and glasses multiple times.
We contacted Airbnb services for support they told us we have full rights to ask them to leave home and to keep the amount of two nights remaining in the reservation because of the guest's inappropriate behavior.
We received that resolution, we went to home and asked them kindly to leave, they asked about a refund,( we told them to contact Airbnb to avoid them being aggressive toward us, and we had confirmation from Airbnb to keep the amount.

During that day, the guest received a resolution that they were not getting a refund, they started sending us text messages on WhatsApp that they were only 30 min from our home and that they would come to collect it personally, and that we would regret what we have done, they will leave us a bad review on every platform and that they don't see how is the money of two night worthed for us when they will do much more damage.
We proceeded threts to the police, and they surveillance house for the night (the guests didn't come back)

One day after, I came to my calendar to see the statistics and noticed my ad was suspended, I was surprised, Contacted Airbnb, and told them once again this whole story, for several times, to several agents, All my guests had to say is that they didn't throw the stone first. And just like that, Airbnb decided we would need to refund two nights for this case with our next payouts. I'm still out of belief in this, how Airbnb can justify violent behavior and accept it just because one side didn't start first. Since when it is okay to respond to violence on violence? ( when no one is harmed or in life danger to defend themself). And on top of that ignore other strict house rules brakings that allow us to ask guests to leave a house? 
LET'S JUST TALK ABOUT PET, The dog slept in the bed and couch, and they hid him from us, and tried to lie when we arrived in the morning about the dog not being with them in the house, so they knew a dog was not allowed. When talking about this to Airbnb support agents, they literally told me to ask about this situation if a guest brings a pet to a home where there is a strict rule not to have a pet, and a strict cancelation policy(no refund), what are my rights as a host to do? They just responded I'm sorry mam we can not answer that question because another agent who is the supervisor made a decision, how can one person's opinion take away our host's rights and not receive an answer about it? Oh, I can see my writing is getting long, hope you are keeping up with me on this one because I need someone's help on this since it has been 13 days and I feel all Airbnb is doing is purposely stalling me, and not providing me with a clear answer why should we be the one paying for the decision on refunding guests when guests broke several house rules. Let's see your comments and if you need more details let me know. Just wish to understand how to resolve this, because I feel we are in full right to ask these guests to leave, and no matter what they have said we have video and footage of them breaking several house rules, and we had confirmation for Airbnb services to do so.

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Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Petra876 if hosts report a party then their listing will get suspended. A bit stupid really but at least the party report should allow you to get the bad review removed.