Hi fam,,i recently moved to Portugal as a student and i have...
Hi fam,,i recently moved to Portugal as a student and i have my Airbnb units in Nigeria. I have now been charged for VAT in P...
Just read on another hosting forum- Host had not been paid for 6 completed stays dating back months. Repeated contact with Airbnb went nowhere. She got in touch with the guests whose payments she had not received, they all contacted Airbnb demanding to know what had happened to their payments, as they had been made aware the host hadn't been paid, and she almost instantly received payouts for all of them!
That should make it abundantly clear that missing payouts have everything to do with Airbnb just hanging on to the money because they can, it has nothing to do with glitches or payout information. But if a guest accuses them of ripping them off, it's a totally different ballgame.
@Sarah977 thank you when booking are down as they have been for last year, the only think Airbnb should really be careful is to paid their hosts on time, it is simply unacceptable that hosts are left hanging and waiting for their payment and sometimes have to deal with penalty fees on late bills payment because of Airbnb. In slow season many hosts are barely covering their expenses, so please Airbnb makes a payment on time as a priority for 2020, we don't want to know about bank changes and so on, we just want to make sure all hosts around the world should not suffer from late payment as it is simply unacceptable
@Sarah977 Seems logical, as opposed to innovative. I would think it a perfectly logical idea to actually contact the guest FIRST, not ABB, who has clearly demonstrated it can't be trusted for anything. Obtain some proof from the guest whether their payment was received and fully processed by ABB, or not. Then go to ABB with some facts, or yes, better still, get the guest to do it! I don't understand this idea of dithering about, waiting and relying on ABB, who will never sort it out.
Yes, @Sarah977 I have been trying that. My guest is also having problems submitting information to Airbnb for payment in my own situation. Seems their credit card expired between the first deposit and the second and they have tried over and over to give Airbnb their updated info to re-run the payment. I have seen screenshots of conversations so I believe they are making a good faith effort. Still don't have my payout form December 22.
@Laura2592 Hope that works out for you. In the case I posted about, there was no issue with the guests' payments- those had all gone through back when they booked. It was that Airbnb had been holding onto the host's money for months and not releasing it to her.
thanks for posting this - you're right it's very handy to be aware of.
Of course, it would very much depend on the sort of guest. I've had a couple who can't even be bothered to reply when I've messaged them about finding an relatively expensive personal item they'd left behind, so I doubt that type would bother to stir themselves over a missing payment to the host. Far too narcissistic. And I have to say prior to your posting this, I would have been very hesitant to bother a guest about airbnb stuffing up payments . The more information we have, the better armed we are when something crops up.
@Rowena29 I know, I was surprised that host did it, and even more surprised that she said 5 guests out of the 6 missing payments were willing to call- I think she said the 6th she didn't get an answer from.
This very same thing happened to me! I could not believe it. I still have not been paid for a December 12-16 pay. Air bnb refuses or has not contacted me about what they’re going to do. I’ve been ghosted on this issue. The Guest claims AirBnB took her money from her card. And this guest I notice continues to stay with other hosts. This was a great guest and I gave her a great review but I was not paid for her stay
yes, its great to read these reviews because im experiencing something similar. from dec 7! they wont respond, every time you call they say they will escalate a ticket. its so out of control
I'm reminded of an issue I had with a direct debit thirty or forty years ago paying my landlord rent (yes I paid rent at one stage of my life), apparently he was not receiving it, which was strange as I'd been paying it successfully for a couple of years.
At the time in Ireland, there was a bank strike and the bank in question brought in scabs(strikebreakers) from the U.K. and one of them was redirecting the banks client direct debits to his own account, what he did in my case was change the name by one letter on the direct debit narrative on my bank statement so I would not notice the change.
I got a friend of mine to do an audit on the bank statements, he was a chartered accountant and he spotted the anomaly, I had my money reimbursed by the bank and they dealt with the scab quietly.
I know nothing like this would happen in Airbnb their system are so well refined LOL
I was wondering if anyone ever had trouble getting paid. I never had that problem!
There seem to be a rash of recent postings about hosts not receiving their payouts. Makes me nervous...
I have not been paid for a guest day from December 12 to the 16th. Airbnb has not updated me on what they’re going to do about it.
@Jennifer1421 @Sarah977 @Cormac0 @David4245 @Rowena29
It's worthwhile to keep an eye on this site for worldwide ABB issues
@Helen427 Downdetector has nothing to do with hosts not receiving payments- it just tells you if there are reports of outages on various websites.