@Nicolas2436 The only insurance worth getting is one that specifically allows short term rentals. Any that don't are a false economy as they will just not pay out if you have a problem even if the property is not booked on the day it burns down.
Try JL Morris insurance brokers on google as they claim to be Airbnb experts.
On a different subject how did your Fire Assessment go?
I just installed the smoke/heat alarm system as per the home office guide and will be installing the fire doors next week. I haven't completed the Fire Assessment yet.
@Nicolas2436 A bit cart before the horse but at least you sound like you will have a compliant listing. My suspicion is many do not and there is sure to be a clamp down soon.
Other basic requirements are fire extinguishers, blankets and emergency lighting but these are all easy as the latter can be plug in rechargeable torches.