Is it ok to stipulate we only want female guests?

Is it ok to stipulate we only want female guests?

I am a single woman and  live with my 16 year old daughter. Is it ok to stipulate we only want female guests? This has more to do with my daughter feeling comfortable. I dont want to discriminate against anyone on grounds of gender.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jennifer3120  Yes, shared accomodation listings can state that they only accept the same gender as the host. 

I'm a single female home share host who accepts all, and my male guests have all been sweet and respectful, but I raised three daughters and I totally get it that a teenage girl would feel not okay about sharing space with men who are complete strangers to them. 


In fact, I would not have hosted when my girls were little kids, either. I would feel like I had to keep a constant vigilant eye out. I could imagine them wandering into the guest's room, just out of friendliness and curiosity, and that would freak me out unless it was a female guest who was obviously a really nice, normal person.