Is making a claim through Air cover difficult? Does a claim affect future bookings?

Level 2
Wangaratta, Australia

Is making a claim through Air cover difficult? Does a claim affect future bookings?

Hi all.


First time poster.


I’ve had a guest accidentally drop a hair straightener onto carpet after burning her neck. An honest mistake. This has resulted in a very noticeable burn in the carpet in a large bedroom. Without having done much research into possible repair, I suspect the only rectification is re-carpeting the room.

I’m wondering what is the process of an air cover claim?

What’re people’s experiences in doing so? 

Could this affect future bookings or the listing algorithm?


Any advice would be appreciated.

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Have a look at the guidance on claiming on the Airbnb Help website .


1. send a request to the guest for payment with evidence of damage/costs 


2. if guest doesn't pay involve Airbnb



Level 2
Wangaratta, Australia

Thanks Helen


Have you heard of any negative impacts resulting from a claim? Ie algorithm changes? Reduced bookings?




Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Jack2697 The guest will be stung for this and only if they refuse to pay will Aircover step in. If the guest refuses to pay then Aircover will a) require you to prove they did the damage (which they will be denying if Aircover steps in) and b) only pay a depreciated amount for the carpet so you will need proof of its cost and age.

We had a similar issue and managed to re-organise the furniture in the room so that the bed covered the burn. As such the only 'cost' to the guest was the honest review we left them. Interestingly the new room layout is actually better than what we had before!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Jack2697 👋


Welcome to the Community Center! 🎉 It's so wonderful to have you post for the first time and to start a great conversation. 


You've got some lovely comments below with advice and I wondered what you decided to do in the end? 

I also wanted to pop by and share that if you type "@" and then the username, this will tag the member that you're replying to. This ensures that they get a notification that you've replied to them specifically 🤗

I hope this helps to keep the conversation flowing, and if you've got any questions, just ask.


Looking forward to hearing from you. 😊



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