Is there recourse when you're a co-host but the listing owner disappears?

Level 1
Washington, DC

Is there recourse when you're a co-host but the listing owner disappears?

We're the owner of the space, but (stupidly) allowed our property manager to own the listing. (We're co-hosts with full access.) Now our manager cannot be reached, and is not returning calls or emails. Is there a way to change listing ownership if the owner disappears? Or do we have to close the listing and start over? What happens to future bookings? And can we even close the listing if we're not the listing owner? I've been trying to find answers on this, and from what I'm reading Airbnb support might not be much help.

2 Replies 2


First, sorry you are dealing with this. Unfortunately, other Hosts have been talked into letting a Co-Host list themselves as Primary Host risking these consequences. You cannot remove them as primary host and Airbnb cannot help you with this, nor get involved in an ownership dispute. I would notify Airbnb just as a matter of record in case you need the info going forward. I'm doubtful this person will cooperate and make you Primary Host instead of Co-Host, but you can try. Do you have any emergency contact information for this person? Perhaps they were in an accident or ill and cannot respond? If you'r'e still not able to reach them, then see below:


I hope you have a written contract with this Co-Host. Before you terminate the contract, if you still have access to the listing, I would do the below ASAP:


Current Reservations

Print out all the reservations so you have the guest contact info and reservation details


Copy Your Listing

Take screen shots or copy all the Listing information. You will have to create a new Listing. 


Scheduled Messages & Quick Replies

Make copies of all your Scheduled Messages and Quick Replies


Get Copies of All Financial and Earnings Information

Print out all the financial & earnings information so you have that in case you loose access to the account. You'll need this information later for tax and legal purposes.


Change the Locks

I would change the locks on the property. If a smart lock, remove their access to the lock app. If they have made themselves owner of the lock, you'll have to remove the smart locks and get new ones. If using a lock box, you'll have to change the code on the lock box, as well as rekey the locks.


Final Termination Letter

After you have done the above and then nofify this person you are terminating the agreement. I would do this via certified mail and email. You should comply with whatever terms for termination are in your contract (if you have one). You may wish to get some legal advice from an attorney.


New Listing

Since guests will not have access to the property since you are changing the locks, I would get your new listing setup ASAP. Then advise the guests via a phone call what is happening and you will be happy to honor their bookings on your new listing. They will have to cancel their bookings on the old listing. Hopefully they are able to do this and get a full refund. You might even consider a courtesy discount for these guests for having to do all this.



Whatever reviews the property has will stay with whomever is listed as primary host. You have to start over with reviews.


Let is know how it goes...


Thanks for the fast and comprehensive answer! We do have a contract and have downloaded all data. And we fully expect to start over with a new listing. But can we even close the listing if we're not the owners?