Kuinka korjaan Veronmaksaja tietoja (Yhdysvallat -> Suomi) / How do I correct Taxpayer information (United States -> Finland)

Level 1
Kajaani, Finland

Kuinka korjaan Veronmaksaja tietoja (Yhdysvallat -> Suomi) / How do I correct Taxpayer information (United States -> Finland)



Majoitan Suomessa.

Täytin vahingossa W-8BEN-E-lomakkeen.
Nyt minun "Veronmaksaja tiedoissa" näkyy virheellisesti Yhdysvallat. Miten sen voi korjata? Koska en voi itse korjata sitä.








I stay in Finland.

I accidentally filled out Form W-8BEN-E.
Now my "Taxpayer Information" incorrectly shows United States. How can it be fixed? Because I can't fix it myself.




Google translation added by OCM


Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Johanna746 ! Have you also reached out to the Airbnb Customer Support team to get some guidance in this regards? 

It would be a good idea to reach Hosts from Finland through Local Host Clubs. There is a Finland group that I found here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1878840619173152 . Keep us posted if you've already found a suitable solution for this issue.




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1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Johanna746 ! Have you also reached out to the Airbnb Customer Support team to get some guidance in this regards? 

It would be a good idea to reach Hosts from Finland through Local Host Clubs. There is a Finland group that I found here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1878840619173152 . Keep us posted if you've already found a suitable solution for this issue.




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