Listing price confusion

Level 2
Summerdale, AL

Listing price confusion

We have our minimum price set at $90.   Our listing states $75 a night.  How is that happening since our minimum is $90??

I know when travelers put in selected dates this changes, but why does $75 pop up when our minimum is higher?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You offer 20% discount for the first 3 guests making a booking.

(if they book a week, they get another 20% discount, makes 40% total discount)

Level 10
New York, NY

@Clint-and-Lisa0  If you don't want to offer the discount, just go to your calendar, then look for something about "promotions" to the right.  Click through and look around in there for the 20% off and delete it.  You don't need it.