Looking for a co-host in Amsterdam

Level 1
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Looking for a co-host in Amsterdam

Hi! I am looking for A CO-host in Amsterdam! I have a small studio apartment that I am renting out when I am traveling, and I could use some help with managing hand-overs of the key, etc.

11 Replies 11
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hey @Kinga40 ,

Welcome to the Airbnb Community Center!


As Community Center is a global forum, it might be a bit difficult to find hosts in your area who would be interested in your offer.
Perhaps, you can also take a look at Local Host Clubs near you to connect with local hosts.




Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 1
Amstelveen, Netherlands

@Kinga40 Hi i can help you out with this while you are on vacation.

Level 1
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Oh that’s great! Not sure how this works and what the next steps are ! But I got two bookings for May already that you could help with ?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Please make sure you use a cohost who lives locally and who has extensive experience of being a host particularly  as you are new to hosting @Kinga40 


Firstly check STR regulations in Amsterdam to see if you are eligible to host


look for a local superhost on the Amsterdam host group and check our listing and reviews 


only work with hosts that let you set up the listing in their name, who provide references and a contract 

Level 1
Amstelveen, Netherlands

Hi, I could help you out with this while you are on vacation.

Level 1
Alexandria, Egypt

hey kinga, if you're still looking for a co-host for now or sometime in the future send me a pm! or a message on whatsapp my # is

**[Phone number hidden due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hi @Kinga40 ,


I’m an available co-host based in Amsterdam and I’m also running my own bed & breakfast, who has experience in the hotel branche. Please let me know if you’re still looking for a reliable co-host, for now or maybe in the future.


You can contact me through the website of CoHost Company or send me a message through Airbnb.

**[Link removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines ]


Best regards,


Level 2
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Hi @Jason1640 , how are you doing? My name is Alexander and I’m looking for co-host in the centre of AMSTERDAM. Please let me know if you’re interesting  I’m travelling a lot, and looking for the person I can trust and leave my house on. 

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hi Kinga, if you still need somebody, let me know 🙂

Level 2
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Hi @Ana-Mer0 , how are you doing? My name is Alexander and I’m looking for co-host in the centre of AMSTERDAM. Please let me know if you’re interesting  I’m travelling a lot, and looking for the person I can trust and leave my house on. 

Level 2
Amstelveen, Netherlands

Hi Alex, I run my Airbnb (4.86) in Amstelveen and I’m happy to help. Let me know if you’d like to have a chat.