Today I listened to the webinar on taxes in Mexico. I heard the speakers say that the new Mexican law requires digital platforms to collect VAT and lodging taxes. I think I heard they are required to collect 16% and remit to Mexican government under the individuals RFC number. They said we are required to file monthly reports for lodging taxes and we need a digital signature. I did not hear anything said about this doesn’t apply if the owner is a resident of the US or Canada and the webinar was specifically for US and Canadian accounts.
I tried to find out how to get a statement of what taxes were collected and remitted under my RFC number, which I submitted as required by ABnB last year. When I started researching and downloaded the spreadsheet I realized the taxes section did not include 16% but approximately 3% being collected from the guests. AirBnB customer service claims that they are not collecting VAT because my country of residence (COR) is the US.
sounds like their software and practice is directly in conflict with what their tax professionals just told us. Customer service said I must change my COR to Mexico or they will not collect the taxes and they are not reporting revenue under individual RFC to Mexican tax authorities. I don’t have a Mexican bank account and even though I have residency Mexico is not my country of residence. So does this mean I need to collect the taxes myself even though the law requires ABnB to collect. other folks posts indicate changing COR is a big deal.
anyone have correct information on how to handle this? We have been happy with ABnB until now, but this is a show stopper. We don’t want to be in trouble with the Mexican tax authorities.