Hello AllI am a new host managing a large property just outs...
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Hello AllI am a new host managing a large property just outside Washington DC. I'm contacting you because there is a glitch ...
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Any other hosts experiencing missing payments from Airbnb? It first happened to me earlier this year. It was just one payment that time and only a few hundred dollars. After 3 days and receiving no notice of payout I called and spent hours on the email and phone with airbnb. They finally acknowledged their error and issued the payment. For my hours of trouble they sent me a coffee mug. This time the missing payouts total nearly $2k. I have already spent much time trying to get it corrected. So far I am just getting the "we are checking into it" email message. The original rep I spoke with acknowledged to me that there was a mistake made. So now I just get to sit and wait for them to hopefully correct their error again. I wonder if I will get another coffee mug. Frankly I would rather just timely get my payouts and without having to waste hours of my time to get them. Anyway just wondering if this is happening to other hosts and also a heads up to other hosts to be sure to keep track of your payouts.
Thanks @Lizzie -- I finally got an email from the case manager so it may be thanks to your attention. Nothing yet as far as a payout but I am still hopeful it won't have just disappeared. I will follow up again after the first of the year for a progress update.
Great to hear things are starting to move with this @Laura2592. My fingers and toes are crossed. Do keep me posted and I will try my best to help.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie I'm also waiting for a payout which shows in upcoming transactions but should have been already sent out to me.
Hi Lizzie. It has already been 22 days, and they still haven’t provided me a resolution. This is so frustrating. I have provided the service to guest and done my part. But airbnb has a Technicolor cliche and even did not show there is this payment. Contacted them many times. Any no solution. The payment chase meant is no fun. And they ignore my message now. This is unbelievable. I don’t have confidence to host future hosts now. I have all the evidence here.
Thanks for your additional reply @David6369, I can understand your frustration with having to chase for this. I imagine as it's been going on for several weeks that the team are working on fixing the issue with why it hasn't reached you (I acknowledge this isn't very helpful though). Once I hear any update, I'll let you know and hopefully we can get this moving a bit more.
Speak to you soon.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie Add me to the list of hosts that aren't being sent their payout. I'm waiting for an entire month of fulfilled reservations to be paid, as I have a minimum payout amount that was reached but payout was not sent. My case was supposedly escalated, however going through this thread, I'm really losing confidence in ABnB.
This payout not being sent puts me in a bad financial position, I hope contacting you will expedite a resolution.
Hey @Thierry570,
I hope you are well.
Would you mind checking if you have received payment today/tomorrow, it should be on it's way to you.
Fingers crossed.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Airbnb have just paid $9,400 AUD of our money from a Christmas booking into a random paypal account that has nothing to do with us! Our default payment is a bank account and they can see this from 3 years of Airbnb history. Either major fraud has been committed by a staff member at Airbnb or Airbnb has made a HUGE mistake and someone is laughing all the way to the bank. I am being hand balled around departments and getting absolutely not resolve or return phone calls. I am absolutely disgusted by this and the lack of service I am current receiving as a super host. This is a HUGE amount of money for them to “accidentally” send to the wrong person. I don’t know what my next step is, but if I don’t get resolve on this in the next 24 hours I will have to look into some kind of fraud squad to investigate. If anyone has any tips
for me of what to do next please help. I am so upset and desperate.
Hiya @Tia6636 ,
So sorry to hear about this dreadful situation you are in. I have shared the details with the payments team but would also urge you to get in touch with CS team at your earliest convenience.
I am missing a ton of clean fees They don't answer and don't care. Paid me partial amounts as well. Has anyone ever hired a 3rd party to audit their accounts as I have a lot of listings. Someone specifically that knows their system.
Hiya @Christina-Strommen0 ,
That doesn't sound right! Have you been in touch with customer support yet regarding the missing fees? I've shared your post with them now, so I hope to have some info for you soon.
We are also missing a large payment for guests who arrived on Friday 3rd, which should have been paid out to us yesterday. Instead it is still showing up under upcoming payments, dated yesterday (4th Jan) and still labelled "pending". We have not changed our payout method so there should be no problem with this. I have messaged Support through the Airbnb app and also tweeted Airbnb and no reply at all yet. Please respond.
@Lizzie I find it unacceptable, and so should anybody else, that we are not receiving payouts and in timely manner. This problem has been reported throughout the YEARS in this community forum.
If Airbnb is having a glitch, it is Airbnb responsibility to send out payouts in other ways, such as via resolution center, to honor the payout agreement with hosts and property owners. Obviously Airbnb has already collected the money from the guests. I rely on this INCOME, and I am not running a charity or a giveaway when I rent my properties.
UPDATE: I have received my payout last night.
Thank you for the update. I think it is important for hosts to update when they do get paid so that people following this thread can have a better understanding of what's going on with missing payouts.
I still don't know what is causing the missing payouts. Has anyone received an adequately precise explanation for exactly what happened and what caused the problem?
Thanks to @Lizzie for getting involved.