My listing is opted from google search (NOINDEXTAG)

Level 2
Belgrade, Serbia

My listing is opted from google search (NOINDEXTAG)


I encountering problem with NOINDEX TAG on my airbnb page. I contacted google, consulted SEO experts. Airbnb is preventing page from being indexed on google because of this line of code in source of page: <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noimageindex" />

I am not satisfied with airbnb support, because already for one month we can't solve This. Support is useless. Just for reference, Here is link of google forum

Thanks in advance

P.s. The option to include my listing in search engine is ticked ON

1 Best Answer
Level 2
Belgrade, Serbia




Dear Rebecca. It was solved for some time before (by senior support by the name of Diana). God bless her:). The two months ago it showed again (probably after winter page update). I am at the moment struggling with support which don't understand the probem or don't want to analyze it in detail. It is same like last time. Suport is responding with sentaces like "when we search airbnb your listing in on the first page" or " it is there on airbn" they dont read the question/problem in details and provide generic answers. So if there is a chance to get hold of Senior supervisor it will be solved easily  Thansk a lot for answer 



View Best Answer in original post

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



The option to enable searchengines to index you listing and profile can be turned On or Off in your.

account. Probably you have turned this "off", resulting in the html code you are sharing.





Hello @Emiel1 


Thanks for answer. Offcourse this option is ON that is why i have problem solving this


Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Ivan-and-Nikolas0,


I hope you're well. I can see you've bumped your post - are you still seeing the 'no index tag' issue? If so, I can raise this with the team to see if it's a bug. 

Let me know. 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 2
Belgrade, Serbia




Dear Rebecca. It was solved for some time before (by senior support by the name of Diana). God bless her:). The two months ago it showed again (probably after winter page update). I am at the moment struggling with support which don't understand the probem or don't want to analyze it in detail. It is same like last time. Suport is responding with sentaces like "when we search airbnb your listing in on the first page" or " it is there on airbn" they dont read the question/problem in details and provide generic answers. So if there is a chance to get hold of Senior supervisor it will be solved easily  Thansk a lot for answer 



Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi there @Ivan-and-Nikolas0,


I just had to remove the support screenshot as we don't allow these (please see the Community Center Guidelines) but I will share it with our bugs tech team so they have some idea what happened before. Leave it with me and I'll get back to you soon. 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Thanks a lot Rebecca, for understanding the issue. Can you just mention to IT team that option "to include profile page in google search" os ON so thay now that this is not a problem. And also if you can add a question for them why is this happing to my page from time to time? Please. Again thansk a lot for taking a time to solve this 


P.s. I am desparate, years of SEO is lost:(