Negril Jamaica

Negril Jamaica

Hello Everyone.

I'm considering acquiring a property in Negril, Jamaica.

I'm new to Airbnb hosting and had a few questions.

Does anyone have a property in West End of Negril in the vicinity of Rick's Cafe?

How many weeks out of the month are you booked?

When are your peak seasons and slow seasons?


2 Replies 2
Level 2


I don't own a property in Negril, but I can share some general insights based on information from other Airbnb hosts in the area.


Properties near Rick's Cafe, especially in the West End of Negril, are often popular due to their proximity to the cafe and other attractions. Hosts in this area report being booked frequently, with many properties experiencing high occupancy rates throughout the year. Peak seasons typically include the winter months, particularly from December to April, when tourists flock to escape colder climates. Summer can also be busy, although it tends to be slightly slower compared to winter. The slowest seasons are usually during the hurricane season from June to November, though even then, properties can still receive a fair number of bookings.


Overall, properties in the West End of Negril tend to do well, especially those that offer unique features like ocean views, private access to the sea, or proximity to popular spots like Rick's Cafe [[❞]](,100) [[❞]]( [[❞]]( [[❞]](


Hope this helps, and good luck with your potential property acquisition!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Have a look on Airdna @Lorraine527