We need to market our hotel through Airbnb
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We need to market our hotel through Airbnb
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We just completed one year of listing our cottage in AirBnb in Ontario Canada. The first year was great with bookings for weekends even in off season (Nov-March). However, this year we dont have any bookings. We have tried changing photos, changing cancelations policy, reducing rates, editing description but no takers. Wondering if something changed in AirBnB or we are not doing something right. It can’t go from full weekends to no bookings - what am I missing?
I noticed you are one of the co-hosts of the cottage. On the profile of the host (Shirley) there are recent reviews of the cottage, so there have been reservations. Or are your referring to Nov-March time period ?
Yes I am referring to the period starting October(when we got a few bookings) and November onwards. We don’t have any upcoming bookings
I had the same experience. Don't know what to change...
@Tina7882 lowering your prices is not the answer, that I can tell you for sure. There are strategies to improve your listing in search. There are multiple posts about that here. Read through some of the old posts and patiently follow the recommendations. Also, this is the time to add your listing to other sites so you do not have all eggs in one basket. I went through a streak like that a couple of years ago, I know it is very frustrating.
Thank you! Have followed most of the strategies in those articles. Will keep trying. Thank you for your inputs!
@Tina7882 I don’t see any reviews of your listing—only reviews of you as guests. Is this correct?
No, we have several reviews on the listing and are a super host.
Right there with you. We’ve been super hosts since beginning 1 1/2 years ago and we’re consistently booked til recently. I’ve been thinking maybe the recession has hit our potential guests?? Also noticed the recommended nightly price by Airbnb has dropped significantly (tho was always lower than what we were able to get & have never followed it). The stats tab shows stays in our area are up from last year but not for us personally…Hope things turn for us all soon