No bookings since Jan 2023

Level 1
Birmingham, United Kingdom

No bookings since Jan 2023

Up until Dec 2022 I used to be about 70% booked. Since the start of January 2023 I am not seeing any bookings. Does anybody what has happened?

46 Replies 46
Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Mohammed252  not sure but one of my listings currently has ZERO bookings for Feb, I only noticed today when I was writing up the calendar, and got a bit of a shock. There are seasonal reasons: summer is over, school is back, but still, zero bookings is weird. Esp with Valentine's day in the mix. 


I'm not sure what the issue is, but will tweak the listing and see if that helps. 

Hi! I am having the same issue. The app says bookings in my area are up 60% but I am

getting nothing after 5 years of 90% occupancy. I did make a mistake on another listing by adjusting the calendar that had people could only check in on a Friday. I fixed that filter but am nervous no one is booking!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Mohammed252 


Welcome .


if you search the community you will see this topic has been covered multiple times 


our recession, market saturation and falling demand combined with low season. Is likely to be the reason. 

Nope, many listings are doing great. Its the platform and company tech issues. They changed their focus and system and its been a epic failure for many great hosts

Level 3
Houston, TX

This is also the rude awakening that I am facing as I just started my airbnb this January. I am not seeing a lot of bookings! Luckily, My weekends in January got booked but my weekdays, zero bookings.  The weekdays that I got booked, I had to reduce my price significantly to get the bookings which is certainly not sustainable. 


I thought it was because we were new and needed to at least get bookings and in turn reviews to get bookings. We'll see. 

In my community, Airbnb is very clearly promoting new listings above established ones. When searching my listing (over 2 years old) on incognito settings in a browser I am pages and pages in.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Airbnb has been promoting new listings like that for years, at least since I started doing this in 2016. New listings always get a temporary boost in the search results. It doesn't last long and then many of those hosts will also see their bookings drop off a cliff (been reported here many times).



They do boost new listings but for those in major cities with millions of travelers, this is not an issue because the algorithm then kicks in and a listing will attract a volume of traffic. The issue is the entire system has been changed and it's killing great hosts and listings.

You said it all. It’s sickening, to say the least.

It's far worse than I've seen before in the past two and a half years. Maybe some of it is that we're getting way too many new listings, but there is no way I'm going to be able to compete during our slow season if I'm on page 12.

Level 2
Galveston, TX

I'm having the same problem. For the past two years I was at 80% occupancy and getting decent rates. This year I have had 0 bookings. I can't figure out why my listing isn't even showing up. I'm rated as a Superhost, so I don't think it has to do with not having enough ratings. The other day my friend went through to try and find my place and said they never found my listing until they actually zoomed into my street, and even then it was at the bottom of the page. I keep asking customer service for help, but so far all they do is refer me to a generic article. I have Mardi Gras coming up and have no bookings at all. If you have figured out what's going on I'd love to know how you fixed it. Good luck

Same here

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

The economy. Many poor decisions were made post-Covid by many countries that are coming home to roost. Simultaneously, Airbnb change its advertising emphasis and as a direct result certain types of listings are not receiving the same boost as in the past, for intentional and accidental reasons. A strong following (and uniqueness) is now very important to weather this 'storm'.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



What do you mean by strong following? Social media?