Partnering with hosts to give guests food options and Discounts

Partnering with hosts to give guests food options and Discounts

I am the community relations director for a restaurant company and I am looking into trying to get menus and promotional discount cards into all of the Airbnb's in the area. Does anyone know where to start? Just reach out top local hosts? Thankyou !

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Helena-West Helena, AR

@Kyler60 As Hosts, we went around to all the local restaurants, museums, mom/pop shops to collect these items ! Guest enjoy seeing takeout menus and specials from nearby places. We also have maps to help guide them.

I would research local airbnb hosts to contact and offer your services. Check with the Chamber of Commerce, Google hosts nearby, talk to the Visitor's bureau who may have a list, or the city's Advertising or A & P group. Look up your city on airbnb and you'll find names of the rentals (ex: ours is 'Blue House on the Hill') and see if they have a group or page on Facebook (we have a page under that name and use it as a blog with short posts and photos). That's another way to interact with hosts. Best wishes~