Payout NOT received

Payout NOT received


I wanted to share that multiple payout NOT released. 
I have been waiting more than 40days but it has NOT solved yet.

I have contacted customer support several times and they said they found some technical error from airbnb. And they said payout will be released within several days but it never paid. After that, I reached customer service again but a different employee picked up the phone and they will send a message to the right section (and they also said that I will receive email or message from a person in charge). BUT no one writes or calls me afterwards. 

I have been trying to be very patient but this issue really gives me stress and wastes of my time. Could anyone please take a look at my issue and help me?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Guje1 I cannot understand any reason for such a late payment Jay. we are hosts here but maybe all the best ..@Bhumika could help escalate for you.... The first payments sometimes take 30 days , but this seems a little too long... H