Pilihan cara membayar / Choice of payment methods


Pilihan cara membayar / Choice of payment methods

Hi, mau tanya. Gimana ya biar kita bisa punya 2 cara pembayaran (1. Bayar secara penuh 2. Bayar sebagian sekarang, bayar sebagian nanti) seperti gambar yang dibawah ini?

Hi, want to ask. How can we have 2 payment methods (1. Pay in full 2. Pay in part now, pay in part later) as shown below?


Contoh Airbnb 1.png


Google translation added by OCM

Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Adinda-Yasmin0, Hope everything is going well for you!


Do you still need any help with your question or have you got in touch with Customer Support to get some help?


I wanted to share these articles that share elaborately about payment plans: 


👉Editing, removing, or adding a payment method 


👉 Pay over time with Klarna for guests 




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Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Adinda-Yasmin0, Hope everything is going well for you!


Do you still need any help with your question or have you got in touch with Customer Support to get some help?


I wanted to share these articles that share elaborately about payment plans: 


👉Editing, removing, or adding a payment method 


👉 Pay over time with Klarna for guests 




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