Does anyone have an accountant they recommend that is famili...
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Does anyone have an accountant they recommend that is familiar with write offs for an Airbnb for income tax preparation? This...
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Hello, I set my listing up to be $50 a night but when I look at the live listing it's showing as $40 a night. Why is that?
It is the 20%-off special offer, @Lindsay368 . The breakdown shows up in your pricing when a guest checks availability. It will be a box you didn't know you ticked, or maybe you didn't see to untick when you were setting up. Go to pricing in the edit section and see whether you can fix it there.
@Lawrene0 Are you speaking of the length of stay discounts? I have a 10% discount set up for a weekly stay and a 25% discount for a month stay.
Even with those discounts set up why would my listing state it's a $40 night stay when it's really $50?
No, @Lindsay368 , I mean this (below). I should have sent a screenshot of your breakdown with my first answer. Hope this helps:
@Lindsay368 I think that 20% discount is turned on by default when you set up a new listing, so you have to turn it off ASAP. Discounts are cumulative, not exclusive, so if a guest booked right now for a week, they'd get 30% off!
And if you have Instant Book turned on, shut it off until you figure out how to get rid of that 20% discount, so no one can book at that price.
You also might want to rethink allowing month long bookings, as that length can turn a guest into a tenant in most jurisdictions with rights under landlord/tenant laws.
@Lindsay368 There's nothing dangerous about having a max 28 day booking set as far as someone becoming a tenant in the eyes of the law, just keep your max stay length under whatever your jurisdiction considers someone to have tenant rights.
But it's usually a good idea for a new host to only take short bookings anyway, so you don't get stuck with a bad guest for long until you become adept at vetting prospective guests. Also you want to build up as many reviews as possible, so shorter bookings will help acheive that.
I'm sorry, but I don't know where to turn off that 20% discount- it wasn't a default setting when I started hosting 4 years ago.
Sorry, @Lindsay368 , I don't know firsthand. I started nine years ago, so never had to deal with it either, but I did a search just now and found this: