So white people need not apply, I take it?

So white people need not apply, I take it?

Looking over your site, I see that you've gone out of your way to exclude any photo of white people, especially white men.  Are you aware that discrimination of any sort, even the currently trendy liberal sort, opens your business up to potential lawsuits?  Racism is racism no matter who is doing it, or who they're doing it against.  Your board might want to consider that, since many Americans are getting fed up with this kind of nonsense.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

There used to be a European, white coloured, Moderator here in the CC, he left to pursue other interests.


We could say the same however about having more mature aged people as Moderators here in the CC  as opposed to those who appear from their photos to be younger.


We would also like to see Hosts have the right to not have it imposed on them to have their personal photos plastered all over the internet and have the same legal rights as Guests do with their photos, indeed perhaps they may like to make it 'Optional' and do something about the Privacy Settings for such Private Information, factoring into account all the online unlawful behavior that's going on in society today.