Please explain what a Superhost status designation is. I am not sure that I understand how someone can be designated a superhost with one year of hosting and one rental property and a few reviews that are likely written by friends or were incentivized reviews. It seems like an artificial title that doesn't mean anything. It really is a degradation to those that are truly superhosts.
@Questions0 The superhost designation is given to hosts with a rating over the last 12 months of 4.8 or higher and a number of stays which I think is 10. It is quite easy to achieve as a good host.
Thank you so much! I would think that it would be something a little more substantial than a handful of reviews. Because it is such an easy title to achieve, it unfortunately is a false title that represents nothing. That is really too bad. I would think that true SuperHosts would want something that makes them stand out more. But that is just my opinion.