Pricing Strategies – What price range works best for the ar...
Pricing Strategies – What price range works best for the area?Guest Expectations – What amenities or extras do guests apprec...
AirBnB, start thinking outside the box! Create a survival box that contains bottled water, UHT milk, tuna, soup, applesauce, chocolate, biscuits, energy bars, bandaids, a deck of cards, local postcards with stamps, a paperback book, etc.that will get a guest through the 14 day quarantine period which every country in the world has now. HOSTS, have you thought about marketing a meal service that your quarantined guest can purchase when they book the property?
Great idea, those welcome baskets used to be common place in hotels & motels & bed & breakfast places.
To survive 14 days in quarantine one needs fresh fruit & vegetables to be healthy & access to a kitchen to prepare meals.
Under various Public Health Acts one can only be quarantined IF one has symptoms of or an Infectious Disease, not if they don't.
There's some very good legal documents discussing this in reputable websites including that of Crown Prosecutions Services in the UK.
Have you looked up the equivalent in NY?
There's a lot of misinformation in cyberland about who can be quarantined which is different from self isolation.
A normal person (healthy and not an active sportsman) needs about 2500 calories/day. That's a lot of food! For a 14 day quarantine, if everything is very precisely calculated, you can fit the products required in one regular supermarket shopping theory. This is for one person, for 14 days, just to supply the base energy needs.
Quarantine and isolation requirements vary from country to country.
The best way for going through this period is to purchase fully-prepared meals, delivered to the adress.
Helen, I'm not sure what it's like in NZ but you may have read of two different tourists, one in Hawaii and one in Singapore, who were recently arrested and jailed for breaking their 14 day quarantine. I'm "trapped" in Serbia now but will continue my Europe explorations as soon as Serbia opens it's borders. The UK, Sweden, Denmark and the Baltic countries have all opened their borders but you can be certain, probably for months, that every country is going to have a 14 day quarantine period upon arrival for EVERY non-national. Unless your checking into a hotel with room service or your city has a good food delivery service going, you're going to be dependent on "someone" to bring you food for two weeks. It doesn't have to be fancy. Cereal, juice, toast and coffee for breakfast, afternoon tea and a simple supper. I think it could be a very profitable service.
At the next 10 days, the Balkan countries will re-open all borders between each other. That means Serbia, Montenegro, N.Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania and Greece. Not sure for Albania. It will take more time for Turkey, because they still have many active cases.
14 days quarantine is mandatory even for locals, when they arrive from different country. It will be like this for the next week or two. At some point, more then 30,000 people were under quarantine at their homes. Now they are 7-8,000. 25-30 new Covid-19 cases appear every day.
Thanks, Dimitar! That's great information.
Local governments are negotiating how it will happen. Bulgaria, Romania and Greece are in the EU. On the other side-Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia are not. I don't know exactly what is the case with the foreigners, blocked in Serbia and why the evacuation flights are not allowed. There were more then 150 evacuation flights from Sofia after Mach 13.
If the negotiations fails, the border between BG end Serbia will remain closed until June 14.
This is what a government-provided care package for people under self-quarantine in S. Korea looks like.
Also, my understanding is, since April in Korea all international inbound travelers (regardless of nationality) must do a 2-week mandatory quarantine. Only people with a permanent residence are allowed to self-quarantine at home and foreigners without a permanent local residence are required to fulfill the 2-week quarantine at a government-designated facility at their own expense.
I love the care package, Jessica. it's exactly what I'm talking about. SOUTH Korea rocks! Can't wait to get there one day. I started a trip around the world on 10/24/2018. My very first stay was an overnight Extended Suites Hotel next to the Syracuse, NY airport so I wouldn't miss my very early flight to Newark where I caught a TAP Portugal flight to Lisbon. So far I have stayed in 20 AirBnBs, several hotels and a few private rentals. Been to 12 countries and over 50 cities. I have NEVER had a single problem with Air BnB. Today, international travel is for the most intrepid and the bravest, perhaps the craziest too! Will I succeed in my original goal? Only time will tell! Wish me luck and offer me your blessings! Peace to the world!
Hiya @Brian1663 , I'm just tagging Jess @Jessica-and-Henry0 so she can see your response.
To make sure a user sees your message just type the @ sign and their user name until it turns blue and underlined.
Wow I am really surprised to hear that you are still travelling when much of Europe is in lock down to help try and stop the spread of the virus. @Brian1663
Have you not had problems travelling during the lock down?
I wouldn't say international travel at the moment is for the most intrepid and bravest but for those who are not concerned about the risk of helping to spread the virus when they travel.
@Helen3I can always count on you to provide your very own unique and highly individualistic comments to these message boards. Every time I read anything you've written, I walk away with even MORE undying gratitude for my life, friends and family that I have.
No I am not unique there are millions and millions of us working in health and care who know only too well the day to day reality of trying to manage on the frontline in the battle against corona virus @Brian1663
Everyday our staff are putting their lives at risk to care for those who succumb to the virus.
Everyday I am grateful to those who abide by the lockdown and are helping to stop the spread of the virus. Fortunately these sterling efforts are showing results here in the UK with the result we are now slowly being able to ease measures.
Sad that you feel the need to mock those who put their lives on the line to care for others.
I don't think @Brian1663 is doing much actual 'travelling'. He set off in Xmas 2018 (17 months ago) with a flight from NYC to Portugal and so far he's only made it as far as Serbia. I reckon I could have walked there faster...
Hi @Brian1663 Kicked it off in Syracuse? Thats my neck of the woods (20 minutes away from Bearpath Lodging)! You can have my blessings as long as you don't bring any C19 back to the home of the Orange when you finally return, we don't want anymore of that crap, we have plenty already (every host you will be staying with globally agrees with me)!
@Helen3 can be a bit harsh but it may help to look at it with her eyes a second, she and a billion other people are locked down to try to stop this thing from spreading and it sounds like your thumbing your nose at them even if you actually started this venture long before the virus started spreading (Oct 2018). Please understand that she, me and so many hosts around the globe have literally lost the incomes we depended on because of the virus.
As for the threads beginnings, "survival boxes", its a great idea for a company like grub hub but not Airbnb! @Brian and friends are very busy doing some root maintenance and shoring for hosts around the world. Shiny objects and distractions from rebuilding the base of host services he and his friends created are not needed at this time- as you know, its all about the Base! Stay well, JR