Tax Info and ID if property owned by a Trust

Level 1
York, United Kingdom

Tax Info and ID if property owned by a Trust

The property is owned in a Family Discretionary Trust of which I am a trustee. I have been managing its rental on Airbnb. The minimal rental received has come to me personally and has been spent on the Trust’s Beneficiaries (by-passing an unwieldy Trust bank account by accounted for in the Trust’s accounts). 
I know I now need to give tax info to Airbnb. 
There is a box I can tick to say it is in a Trust but it still seems to want my name and tax ID which would be wrong as it’s not my tax liability and needs to be linked to the Trust’s Tax ID. 
Has anyone worked out how to sort this? I am awaiting a response from Airbnb but don’t hold out much hope them having a solution. Thank you 

1 Reply 1


Not sure on this one...who is listed as the owner on the Airbnb profile for the listing? Is it you or the Trust? I would think it should be the trust and you would have to supply legal documents to Airbnb regarding the trust and trust beneficiaries.