


What % tax is paid on earnings in Ireland?  Does it fall in under normal rental income rules?  Thank you

Top Answer
Level 6
Ekerö, Sweden


How much tax do you pay on rental income?

It depends on your tax rate and if you have to pay PRSI and the USC levy. You will pay income tax on your rental profit at either 20% or 40% whichever rate applies to you. You will pay PRSI at 4% if it applies. You will pay the USC at whatever rate applies to you, most likely the 8% rate.

Source: 2024 Pay less tax dot ie


If you make money from renting with Airbnb you need to file a tax return. Also, where an Airbnb host generates income of €40,000 per annum they must register for and charge VAT at the appropriate rate and file the appropriate VAT Returns. 

Source: 2024 tax assist dot ie 

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2 Replies 2
Level 6
Ekerö, Sweden


How much tax do you pay on rental income?

It depends on your tax rate and if you have to pay PRSI and the USC levy. You will pay income tax on your rental profit at either 20% or 40% whichever rate applies to you. You will pay PRSI at 4% if it applies. You will pay the USC at whatever rate applies to you, most likely the 8% rate.

Source: 2024 Pay less tax dot ie


If you make money from renting with Airbnb you need to file a tax return. Also, where an Airbnb host generates income of €40,000 per annum they must register for and charge VAT at the appropriate rate and file the appropriate VAT Returns. 

Source: 2024 tax assist dot ie 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Linda4782 😊

Welcome to the Community Center, and thank you for asking your question here!


Our host shared a great comment. Did it help you understand more about taxation in Ireland?


I’ll also mention some hosts from your country in case they’d like to add anything: @Trish537@Bruno751@Anish190 and @Alpa40.


Thank you in advance, everyone!

Warm regards 🌻,


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