Texas / Dallas property - HOA notification on stay of 30 days or less

Texas / Dallas property - HOA notification on stay of 30 days or less

Hello AirBNB Community,


What can I do? Do I remove my property? Hire a lawyer? How can they penalize me? Is there any way around this?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Liz4116   Your question is very obscure.  So let me take a guess...  Your HOA has notified you that you may not rent to another person for less than 30 days, i.e., the guest must be a long term guest. 


1.  Is this a home sharing situation or are you renting out the entire property? 

2. Is this a rule that existed in your HOA documents at the time that you purchased the home,

3. Or is this a new "rule" that the HOA Board imposed unilaterally or at the behest of other homeowners?  

4. Is this a rule or regulation that your municipality (City, Township, County) has put into effect and your HOA is advising you about the law?


Until you clarify what your circumstances are, we can't provide advice other than to re-read your HOA documents and know what your rights are.  Depending on what your governing documents say, most HOAs cannot change the governing documents without a vote of the membership, i.e., homeowners.

Good luck!