What are the legal and basic requirements to be a co-host in Kolkata? Secondly, which strategies work best if I am getting started?

Level 2
Kolkata, India

What are the legal and basic requirements to be a co-host in Kolkata? Secondly, which strategies work best if I am getting started?

I am a fresh co-host figuring out the knows and hows of this business. 

1. Can anyone guide me on what are the legal documents required for co-hosting in Kolkata (for both local and international co-host clients)?
Is a trade license enough? 

2. What are the other basic considerations I need to keep prepared, financially and preparatory supply-wise to kickstart with my very first co-hosting property in I get one?

3. What do you Think is the best strategy for good ROI and profits via the model as a local co-host?

Thankyou are your help. Waiting eagerly for responses.

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