Hello! I need advice with the following scenario: Future Air...
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Hello! I need advice with the following scenario: Future Airbnb is in a trust, owned by someone else. We are wanting to ensur...
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I know new listings get some good SEO from Airbnb. But I also know superhosts get booked significantly higher. Revenue wise, would a new listing be best or a superhost listing be best? Trying to decide whether to remove and relist a listing which is close to superhost status (not against policy as it would have new management/new host), or fight through an account that is at 4.5+ and improve it to the golden 4.8. The new account would need to endure 3 months of not being a superhost before being placed in that category, so factor that in as well. Searched and a lot of people like new listings but I think an account with lots of reviews/superhost would outperform the new listing SEO. Thoughts and comments please!!!!
@Ryan2439 Did you create a new account to post here, or is your current listing under someone else's account? I went to look at your listing, to see how many and what sort of reviews you currently have, but don't see one on your profile.
I don't have any stats to answer your question, but places with a history of good written reviews are more likely to get booked by good guests than new listings, and you'll lose all your reviews if you make a new listing under a new account. I think guests are more apt to book a place with a history of rentals and good reviews than pay much attention to whether it has a 4.5 or a 4.8 rating.
And guests who have nefarious plans like throwing parties or sneaking in extra people tend to target new listings, as they assume the host is green and not very savvy.
Hosts who have had Superhost status and lost it for some reason have said it didn't make a bit of difference to their booking rate.
Hey, yes my current listing is under my property management's control and I recently took control of it, but they had an issue with 1-2 guests that left a 2 and 3 star that ruined our superhost status. We had 28/30 that were 5 star and then those 2 sent us slightly below 4.8
I appreciate the encouragement, but from what I found out, it does actually matter overall... and every little bit helps of course. But it would be silly to toss 28 good reviews because of 2 bad apples.
I do thank you for that bit about the party go ers and being targetted. Makes perfect sense. I also was very firm in my responses to the bad guests so that would also show "we aren't to be messed with"...might not be such a bad thing overall!
chega a superhost não é tão simples!
tenho visto que para cair e tão
O host tem anos de ótimas avaliações!
de repente tem um convidado!
que não gostou de algo! ou não estava não dia muito bom!
e da uma avaliação super negativa!
minha pergunta é o que fazer diante de uma situação dessa?
mais penso que isso não interfere
se continuamos a nós preocupar
simplesmente de fazer o melhor!
em hopedar com exelencia!
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Sim, como hosts, ficamos confusos com uma análise. Fiquei obcecado com isso e me pergunto se fazer uma nova conta é melhor. Mas você está certo, é melhor seguir em frente.
@Ryan2439 what a very odd post. Airbnb don't allow hosts to duplicate listing and can ban those who do.
Surely you know it's not just about rankings but great reviews are gold dust for hosts, which you would lose even if Airbnb didn't ban you for duplicating a listing.
Its not odd, you just don't know your way around. Many hosts remove and repost their listing, for various reasons. It wouldn't be duplicate if you remove it. Great reviews are good, but so is superhost status/new listings which are boosted. Its internal SEO algorithms that we (the public), don't have the keys too.
@Ryan2439 Helen knows her way around just fine. She has no need to remove her listings and relist them or duplicate them because she, unlike you, gets great ratings and reviews, gets plenty of bookings, and has held Superhost status for years.
You sound like a scammer host to me.