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I discovered today that a change to the text communication system is limiting characters to 3000. I am at a loss as to why A...
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Earlier this week, when I had ZERO time to wade thru a bunch of AirBnb screens, one of them said something about AirBnb partnering with outside companies to be able to purchase disinfectants. I have been looking for that screen for 2 hours today and can't find it anywhere.
Does anyone know where I can find that information? I believe the parnter company was Pharma Packs, but not sure.
@Emilia42 Thanks, I never found it either. And on that note, Jesus Christ, tiny little plastic bottles of sanitizer as guest gifts??? So much for the environment. Prices don't look too good either, I think I can do better at my local stores. And no Lysol anyway, which is incredibly hard to find still at least where I am.
@Mark116 The prices are insane. $10 per bottle for most disinfecting sprays. We have got a long way to go before the general public considers moving away from single-use items again. We're on a backward slope now.
@Emilia42 We bought a giant jug of the liquid spray hand sanitizer and then a large spray bottle, we keep that in the internal entrance on a table, so guests can spray their hands and spray the door knob(s), also very large so hopefully unlikely to walk away. Although of course have acquired some of the small sanitizer bottles over time, we just refill them. I'd never in a hundred million years start buying tiny little plastic bottles to put anything in, not for myself, not for guests. This whole idea need to be discarded.
Why do people think they need these expensive sprays? 70% alcohol kills COVID. So does diluted bleach.
They are pharmapacks.com out of new york. They will say they are out of stock until you tell them you are an air bnb host. You will need to log into your account to order. They have 3 or 4 different packages to select from. After ordering I received mine in 2 days.
Home Depot has gallon containers of disinfectant that kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria. I put it in a spay bottle and very generous with it spraying everything touchable after cleaning. It smells and looks like windex. Should last most host about a year. I have high turnover and go beyond clean. I also have lysol that I've only seen once at Lowes but even the big can of it doesn't last nearly as long although the lysol has a stronger smell if their is some odor from cooking or something.
Plain old 70% rubbing alcohol or a bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) renders COVID inactive (you can't "kill" it because it isn't a living organism). Of course bleach can't be used on many things without affecting the color.
Appreciate the reminder. I usually use bleach based cleaner in the bathroom and have rubbing alcohol for hand sanitizer in a pinch back when it was scarce. Sometimes I'm a little too brief in my post. I mentioned the gallon size disinfectant from Home Depot because I prefer it to anything else, as I use it everywhere. Its perfect to stone counters, stainless steel surfaces, wood tables, furnatur, remotes, light switches, etc... all of which I wouldn't use bleach as I don't like to get it on me, absolutely hate it when I wash the house. But bleach does have its place for killing mold and is a good reminder incase supplies run scarce again. I also like to keep brands guest recognize for their use or when they look under the sinks where its stored. I'm goon pick up another gallon from Home Depot. I mentined it because similar disinfectant that were on the Airbnb email seemed more expensive as I recall.
I bought a gallon of hand sanitizer back in March at Costco. Still more than half full. I just refill a couple of small containers to keep in the car for when I go out. But I never use the stuff at home- it seems pointless, when you can just wash your hands with soap and water.