Hello everyone,
Ever since Airbnb Experiences were launched, I have seen some Hosts discussing and launching their own Experiences.
I love that over here in London, we have a great assortment of walking tours, pub tours, and, in general, some lovely city exploration experiences.
From cooking experiences to sharing a birthday with an alpaca (no, really!), I am sure many of you are aware of Airbnb Experiences, and perhaps even created or participated in one yourself at some point!
Show of hands, who’s an Experiences’ Host? Share your adventures with us.
I look forward to reading your replies!
Interesting. I have not. With my job there just isn't time, although I've been happy to create lists of fun places for people to explore or eat if they ask.
I have not created an experience so far!
I found the experience with an Alpaca in London interesting... I had the opportunity to see Alpacas and Llamas when I was in Peru too close to me. I took some llama or alpaca puppies with my hands and then the peruvian who owned them charged me for the photo 🙂
I don't know about Alpacas, however the grown up Llamas if they're in a bad mood they can spit on people. They spit so much spittle that can cover a person's face with spittle. Be carefull !
Fortunately I didn't have this experience 🙂
What kind of experience would you create if you had the time do so? @J-Renato0 😃
Good question @Quincy
Maybe a sightseeing experience involving a visit to some old stronghold/fortress with great views... Maybe an online experience about myths and truths about Brazil... stereotypes x real life that could interest some travellers.
I was just setting up my account to host an experience yesterday! I couldn’t finish it cos I got stuck at one point in the process, but I’d love to do it!
Thank you for this post!
I want to do one on cooking Nigerian Jollof Rice, hiking at one of our local state parks, storytelling, teaching Nigerian dance, and finally one for entrepreneurs only to talk about mental health issues and avoiding burnout! I am a life coach, and I love meeting people!
Hi @Uchenna3! I love your ideas 🤩 Did you manage to solve the part where you were stuck by now?
No sir. I am still stuck. I have since changed my ideas twice, but stuck with the pictures uploads. 😞
Good mornig everyone
I'm a superhost on Airbnb. I've been hosting guests for more than 3 years now and everything is going well so far .
I created an idea for a culinary experience at my home since i've always been an amazing cook. SO i thought of hosting guests to share some of our local food traditions. i will be both teaching and preparing a whole homemade typically tunisian menu. guests will enjoy learning, discovering and eating our preparations. My idea is still waiting since Experiences are not available in my country!! so many tunisians have so much knowledge to share so why is it still impossible and what should we do to start hosting experiences in Tunisia ?