co listing

co listing

Saw a YT ad for "co listing" NOT co-hosting.

You find homes for sale on Zillow that aren't moving and set up an AirBnB listing with the owner. You then split any revenue 50/50.
Is this a legit service? They are saying that you can make upwards of $100K per year doing this- though why wouldn't the owner do it on their own?

7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Who is saying this @Mike3293 .  What is a 'YT ad' ?


Lots of get rich quick so called Airbnb 'guru's, selling,  courses and guides to the gullible.


Why do you think a property that can't sell would be good for STR

Why do you think a property owner would give you 50% of their income that a property generates just to market their valuable asset (presumably you have no experience with STRs)


I highly doubt it's legitimate - they make their money from those foolish enough to pay for this ridiculous suggestion.

You Tube ad


@Helen3 . Helen, reminds me of that Danny DeVito and Gregory Peck movie, Other People's Money. Newer instalment but same idea: how can I make money off someone else's asset?

How can I do Co-listing?

How can I do that?

I am very interested 

Can you please help me do this I am interested. 

I'm interested too!