increasing bookings

increasing bookings

We are getting less bookings than in the beginning.  We have all 5 star ratings, are superhosts and have been open since early May.  Any help on this would be appreciated!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Lusby, MD

@Leslie757 In the beginning, AirBnB offers guests discounts and also display your listing higher in the algorithm. That may be the reason thing are slowing down. You have done very well since joining Airbnb. Keep up the good work and be patient. It will happen. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Two things...


Firstly, what @Gwen386 said.


Secondly, a lot of hosts, including me (and I've been on the platform and fully booked for years) have seen a massive dive in bookings since Airbnb introduced its 'Summer Release'. Do a search here on the CC and you will see why.