Hello can someone confirm how they file taxes for their airb...
Hello can someone confirm how they file taxes for their airbnb income in BC Canada , when they are operating the airbnb with ...
I am new to being a host, I am trying to get in touch with a supper host. I have tried to join the facebook groups , it keeps rejecting me because I don't have a host , URL yet.
I would love to talk with a supper host, that can answer questions about the Denver,CO market.
**[E-mail address removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]
You can do your own market research on the Denver market using tools like Airdna @Richard3525
Is there a way to talk with a supper host, in any state. I have a number of other questions that can be easily answered by a supper host. I am not sure how to search Airbnb, I have not been able to enter, searching to rent a full house, with 3 bedrooms, it only allows me to pick the number of people. thank you, Richard
Yes you can ask here . Myself and lots of others here are super hosts @Richard3525
1. you can use the advance search function to search by number of bedrooms
2. the Airbnb Help website has FAQs on most aspects of running your STR business on Airbnb.
Hi @Richard35251!
Hope you are having a lovely week! Did you check the last answer you got from Helen? Were you able to contact any super host? 👀
Let us know if you need any other help.🤗