Dear hosts, we are eSIM company connecting to the internet a...
Dear hosts, we are eSIM company connecting to the internet all over the world. We would like to collaborate with hosts so all...
I haven't had any inquiries or reservations since the first of the year. This is the first time since I joined that I haven't had any inquiries or reservations. I have been a super host for over a year with over 100 good reviews. I realize this is the off season, but the horse racing season is in high gear here in Hot Springs with most of the hotels & motels full up. I am curious if other hosts are having this problem or is something going on? Dan
@Dan763 The first of the year was less than 2 weeks ago. Not sure if you've noticed the news, but those weeks have not been good ones for travel or public events. Cancellations are outnumbering new bookings right now. Hold your horses.
@Dan763 Hi Dan, I’m also in the same situation, with not many reservations and no inquiries at all. I experienced the same thing last year and now with covid surge, it’s expected. Generally for me January is the slowest month. I wouldn’t be too worried, just have to weather the storm.
January & February are my worst months but last year I had several reservations for the horse racing in Hot Springs, but none this year. I was just wondering if other hosts were having the same problem> Thanks for the feedback!
Going back two years, who could have predicted that entire world economies would be shut down due to an almost impossible-to-prevent spreading of a virus, yet it happened.
I believe that the world is finally coming out of the Covid 'funk', as we speak. Sooner or later it will have to co-exist with these events and not resort to over-reactions and/or plunge into silly blame games. I see England finally has reached the point of 'Enough!'.
In the last two weeks we are seeing a string of inquiries and bookings, as if the world is waking up to a new day with a vengeance. Let us hope this is indeed the case.
@Fred13 England has only reached the point of 'Enough' because Boris needs to distract people from his going to parties (aka work events) during lockdown. I fear when partygate is over and the next variant turns up we will be straight back to lockdown.
Meantime, little Belize has done a fair job with this madness, now having 30+ incoming packed flights of tourists every day keeping the economy moving.
I have had a similar experience. usually I'm getting fully booked by now, but atm seem to be only getting bookings from which I added my property to in October because of lack of Airbnb bookings.
I’m a super host near Drake University in Des Moines and 3 major hospitals
I’ve never had such a slump despite hundreds of great reviews