"Photo Tour" is terrible for listings and cannot be removed? No warning that it is permanent. Please reconsider.

Level 1
Bangkok, Thailand

"Photo Tour" is terrible for listings and cannot be removed? No warning that it is permanent. Please reconsider.

So, like many others, I hit the "create a photo tour" button out of curiosity, only to find it made a mess of our listing. No problem, I'll remove it and rever to the original gallery. Nope. Can't do it. Only way to remove it would be to delete our listing with all the usual implications of losing all its reviews.


Dear Airbnb, please allow us to undo this change. It is not clearly documented that it cannot be undone. By handing over the power to a half-baked algorithm passed off as with the hype word "AI," it is spoiling many listings. Please give us basic control over our listings, thank you.   

4 Replies 4
Level 1
Bangkok, Thailand

Got a call from Airbnb support telling me that I could move photos out of the rooms created to "Additional photos" however the order cannot be rearranged as before, we are stuck with the shoddy "AI" arrangement. 


Not helpful at all. Please let us disable this undeveloped, useless feature and arrange photos as WE like, not a poor algorithm, thank you. 

I just had an infuriating conversation with Airbnb.. no option to opt out of photo tours.. all my photos are in the wrong rooms - ai put 3 beds in ONE bedroom and put two bathrooms together into one photo. The captions are out of order. I can't rename or create a name for a room - example ski storage or foyer - I am seriously infuriated with this update its abysmal. 

Having the same issue -- somehow "workshop" is an option, but no "Loft"? There are so many cabins on this service it's odd they haven't been able to pull room headings from our pre-AI albums.

Level 2
Katy, TX

DITTO! We spent countless hours taking pictures, arranging pictures and adding descriptions and then in a blink, it's all disorganized. Pics arranged wrong, in wrong rooms and no way to opt out.

Oh and ZERO assistance from 'support'.

Not sure why airbnb is getting to the same level as vrbo but I guess it was bound to happen. Just like this November, we all want to vote none of the above!