Hey, fellow hosts!
I recently created a detailed social med...
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Hey, fellow hosts!
I recently created a detailed social media carousel post after spending countless hours researching tutor...
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Hi there,
I wondered if someone can help...
I have a guest coming to stay and her boyfriend is joining for 3 nights. I need to charge her for this but she has already paid. How do I do it. I want to send a payment request for the amount but not sure how. Is it a booking modification? If so how do I modify to the new total (ie original amount plus extra) or do I modify and just send a request for the extra amount now required (ie on top of what is already paid)....
You can add charge for extra services.
Send a Special Offer.
Include the total price of the accommodation, plus your cleaning fee.
Do not include the AirBnB service charge
Ensure that the guest clicks to accept the Special Offer, if they don't you will only get the original sum.
You can check if they have accepted in your Reservations list, which will show the updated figure
I too need to charge extra to one of my clients - she and her partner stayed at my apartment on the Costa Del Sol for 14 days, the apartment only had two other bookings for a total of 8 days and I flew over with mum to do some checking prior to the new seasion starting for 3 days - total days used since 1st January 25 days.
After around 3 days with the 14 day stay client I got an email asking if electricity was included - I replied it usually was unless there was a problem.
I received a bill from the electricity company last week for 199 euros - way over the usual amount. I have requested an extra payment and the client has agreed to pay but unfortunately she doesn/t seem to know how (she did this for the original payment too). I called yesterday after waiting the 72 hours but the airbnb assistant wasnt very helpful. The 'involve Airbnb' cannot be found either - I am ready to stop using Airbnb unless this is resolved as now feel quite vulnerable. Any advice would be most gratefully received.
Julie I am sorry you have had this usage issue with one of your guests.
Can I ask if you set a security deposit?
If you do it makes the claim procedure much easier. The guest is not charged the security deposit on booking but it authorises Airbnb to access funds in the evnt that a host, like you in this situation, wishes to claim against a guest for something not covered in the listing description
If you have not set a security deposit, here is how you go about it...
To add or edit a security deposit to your listing:
The security deposit only applies to reservations booked after the changes are made; they don't retroactively apply to existing reservations. Security deposits can't be handled off-site in cash, as off-site payments are a violation of our terms.
In this situation Julie, if the guest had agreed to pay the charge you would simply make a claim to the resolution centre...the guest would be asked to approve the claim and if they do then their payment method is charged and the amount forwarded on to you.
We see posts here from users saying they were not able to receive compensation through the security deposit but, these instances are extremely minimal compared to the number of claims that are approved, and in pretty much all those instances there is something else behind the claim that is not disclosed. It is not as simple as 'black and white'.
I am not sure what route you took with your complaint Julie, here is the path to claiming money from a guest....
In general the 'Involve Airbnb' will automatically appear on the reservation confirmation 72 hours after a complaint has been lodged, unless Airbnb have already intervened.
I hope this can help you Julie, if not be a bit more specific and I will try to help you further.
Hi Julie,
There is a box immediately above the "Messages" you receive from your guest and also the place where your conversations are stored between guests and yourself.
In that box there is a tab that says "Request or Send Money". This is where you do this. In your case it would be "Request Money". Just follow all the prompts on the screen to request payment. This mode can also be used should you ever provide transportation or anything else outside of accommodation for your guest.
Hope this helps. I just noticed the response from Rob in Australia but since I just looked at the option I gave you in my opinion my option is quite simple.
And btw Julie since the guest has agreed to pay I definitely would use the option I sent you as the request does actually go through the Resolution Center. My upcoming guest who is already in the country needs me to provide airport return transportation but has only travelled with her credit card so this won't work for me. I need to be paid in cash from her so I investigated how I could be guaranteed payment through Airbnb via "extra services" and this is what I found. And her current host she said has done same and another friend of mine who is also a host had same situation and got her payment from Airbnb without any fees being charged but then I don't know what her collection method was.
Get air bnb involved asap by phone.
Ive just had 2 young “ladies” NOT payment for using my laundry facilities despite being clearly stated in my listing under house rules.
theyve refused to pay up, so air bnb have paid me instead, as it was clearly listed.
Hi Julie
Thanks for reaching out and declining to pay for the use of my washing machine and electric tumble drier
I love feedback whether it is positive or negative. I especially like feedback like this so others can see the “entitled” guests I sometimes have to deal with.
There is a large element of trust in being an air bnb host and I feel that trust has been eroded by a guest who does not care about honouring the £10 fee clearly stated in my air bnb listing for use of my laundry facilities in my family home.
Yes.....it’s my home, not some hotel or large corporation such as Hilton or Google who can forgo the odd Ten Bucks.
In fact it is the home of a retired senior, a woman in her sixth decade.
Particularly galling, as this gullible senior, also waived her Strict cancellation policy and let you change your booking from 2 nights stay to a 1 nights stay ( at your request, a couple of days prior to your arrival) FREE OF CHARGE and this senior also lost £62.50 in payment into the bargain!
I appreciate any guest who chooses to spend their money in my family home until they act like like this and tries to make it up to me by promising to write me a nice review.
You can pen whatever review you wish and I won’t lose a second of sleep over it.
The only thing I have lost this season, is trust in the “ entitled” guests that seem to be increasingly using the air bnb platform for a cheap deal, rather than being genuinely part of the sharing economy.
I shared my beautiful modern home with you, I also gave you fresh grown organic fruits of apples and plums to eat on your onward journey ( as part of my warm hospitality) but Im afraid I do not wish to be part of any deal!....whether bartering down a price for my accommodation or getting your money’s worth or even getting a good review as quite frankly I’m quite appalled by your attitude.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday in Scotland.
Air bnb themselves paid my £10 to my account, as these entitled guests refused to cough up.
thank goodness my house rules are strict.....it has led to a decline in bookings, but hey there is some business I can do without, such as this pair!
I have the issue that when I use the REQUEST MONEY for extra services my guest can never see the link on their app to pay it. Does anyone know where this exists? So I can tell them? It takes way too much time.
I have the same problem... tell your guest to go to Help, then search for 'resolution centre'. The request is in there.
No guests can find this - it's ridiculous!
I agree - the system is completely ridiculous. These posts are OLD and they still haven't done anything about it. I just received a payment. The guest ended up somehow paying Airbnb directly. It now just says 'REQUEST CLOSED' in the Resolution Center and in the Payout History, there's NO WAY to cross-reference what the payment is for. It's insane, really.
The option you need is "send or request money". It can be found in a number of ways. As Kimsha has explained, either by going to your inbox and scrolling down until you find this option or if it's a current guest, by going to your 'help' option. The current booking will immediately appear.