The City of Diamondhead has denied a permit for me to rent my beautiful home for 30 days or less. Has anyone else had this problem with obtaining a permit to rent for 30 days or less. How did you fight the City counsel and their ordinance, did you win?
@Margaret1031 I would be interested to know some insight and advice on this issue as well as I feel some locations/ towns/ commissioners etc are making it increasingly hard and expensive and if not near impossible to use your “owned” home as an Airbnb. This is very frustrating and seems there should be a law or protection in place for hosts in such cases. The township should have to prove disorderly disruption of properties or the area, excessive noise disruptions etc to not allow people to host their own home as a means of income or secondary income. As if we haven’t already bought the house or property and also pay taxes to local state and county... it’s a rip off and a huge deterrent for regular income persons to host. Practically unaffordable.